Maybe she's born with it~~~
Maybe she's Maybelline~~~
"Roses are red, violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet, and so are you
The roses have wilted, the violets are dead,
The sugar bowl's empty, and so is your head
The roses stink, sorta like sheep
But leave your head down rolling the hill
The roses are molding, the violets are rotten
And I might kick your arse, if I haven't forgotten."
Be more hardworking.
Be more initiative.
Be more analytical.
Be more aggressive.
Be more chic.
LV wallet.
Hermes handbag.
Good skin complexion.
Red Slim digicam
Committment in GOD
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
- Xuehua.
- Jasmine.
- Charlene.
- Zhiqian.
- Marcus.
- Vivien.
- Wenjie.
- Joyce Phua.
- Joyce Lee.
- Val.
- JC.
- pRinC3Ss kaRiN .
- BigB3n.
The motocycle's area.
Quite a scary sight though...shit forgot to take pictures of it.
At first I was sleeping soundly then suddenly I heard some loud "piak" sounds.
I thought it was some natural disasters! Like some ice cubes falling from the sky and hitting the cars ( my mother also thought of that)
I refused to wake up, kept praying that the sounds will stop.
Basically, I was too scared to see what was happening lah...
Then my sister woke up and saw the fire. Gosh...
The fireman was using some gun to shoot at the fire and at the same time, the motorcycles were splashing out out big pieces of fire! Wah...i see the fireman shoot until so xinku...finally the water came. Within a few seconds, the fire subsided.
The whole scene looked so surreal.
After the fire in the morning..

Poor thing....
Intentional or unintentionsl? Who knows...
But time pls be smarter hor...
I actually discovered angry...argh...
Enough said.
Our lovely Mrs H. had just given birth to a cute cute boy boy!
He actually opened his eyes! Cos i seldom see babies with their eyes open. His eyes are sure to be big in the future lor! Like mine! HAhaha..

My sense of achievement? Holding a newborn baby! Babies are so fragile!
Heard from Mrs H. that giving birth is alot more worse than cramps. And she actually tolerated the pain for 10- 12 hrs??! *applause applause* I wouldn't know what to do if i'm her man...especially when I'm scared of pain!
But congrats! Take care Mrs H. ..can't wait to see you again!
Mine was...

Not bad lah...I want to look like tony leung if next life I'm a guy! Dono who is that Mai Kuraki...
Well I shall post some up then!
Pictures taken by my lousy handphone at the sheesah's place.

This is Mr Lamer...Ms J's beloved boyfriend. Why did I say he is a lamer? Basically he makes lame jokes. Haha..but he is a funny guy lah. A guy with good business brains. And a hard smoker too.
This is Ms J, trying to act cool (and sultry?). Don't look like Jolin Tsai though...haha!
This pretty girl is Ms J's cousin, who just came back from Holland. I love her curls but I don't think I will look good in it.
Okay...I admit I'm trying to act cute here! No wrong doing that what! But I do look cute right??? *bleh*
Then the other day, I've taken some pics on my sister's birthday as well! Celebrated at Thai Express...
That's her with her lovely daugther! Fruit cake again..
Trying to act ke-lian!? Wana trick me right! Ha! I won't fall for it anymore! But her pleads really melts my heart..
Don't you think both of them look alike? I am so glad that she finally rebonded her hair. I really hate those big short curls at that time. Makes her look so old.
Exams are coming! I'm so bored...then after exams it's "finding jobs" time!
Then I walked past that particular block and happened to see a young guy standing at the void deck.
So I continued to walk...
Suddenly, that guy called out to me, "Eh! Xiao Jie! You mei you yi kuai? (Eh? Miss! Got one dollar anot?)"
I stared at him and then started thinking about those emails, saying that got chinamen wana cheat our money ah, blarblarblar.
But this guy doesn't look like a Mainlander.
He was holding a packet of coke and Calbee 'Hot & Spicy" potato chips!
How the hell did he manage to buy all these tibits?!
So obviously, I walked off.
Then to my surprise, he started scolding me!
"Eh! Xiao Jie! You mei you yi kuai? Eh! You mei you tin dao wo shuo hua! Si de ah!? (Eh? Miss! Got one dollar anot? Eh? Miss! Got one dollar anot! Die one ah!? Don't wana answer me ah!)
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