Maybe she's born with it~~~
Maybe she's Maybelline~~~
"Roses are red, violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet, and so are you
The roses have wilted, the violets are dead,
The sugar bowl's empty, and so is your head
The roses stink, sorta like sheep
But leave your head down rolling the hill
The roses are molding, the violets are rotten
And I might kick your arse, if I haven't forgotten."
Be more hardworking.
Be more initiative.
Be more analytical.
Be more aggressive.
Be more chic.
LV wallet.
Hermes handbag.
Good skin complexion.
Red Slim digicam
Committment in GOD
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
- Xuehua.
- Jasmine.
- Charlene.
- Zhiqian.
- Marcus.
- Vivien.
- Wenjie.
- Joyce Phua.
- Joyce Lee.
- Val.
- JC.
- pRinC3Ss kaRiN .
- BigB3n.
Should i study at LaSalle?
Why the companies don't want to give me a chance to work and learn leh...............
I can't believe it when I took this test.....what a COINCIDENCE...
"Maybelline, based on your responses, your top career area is Merchandising
Careers in the area of merchandising require not only people skills but also powers in the art of persuasion as well. Most likely, you are naturally attuned to what people want. You're probably a strong communicator and skilled at presenting your point of view in a convincing manner.
There are many career choices within the Merchandising field. We have identified the top four that would be best suited for you in your personalized Career Interest Report. It's ready right now! "
I don't know if I should take up any fashion courses I don't know if I should continue working in mediaI don't know if I can take up all the stressI don't know if I can perform well in my workI don't know if I can earn big money in the futureI don't know if I can work according to my interestsI don't know I don't know I don't know!
I've never felt so lost before...maybe is because I'm afraid I'm getting older and it will be too late to start all over againMaybe is because I'm scared I'm not good enoughOr lack of opportunities since I'm quite sway leh...Or am I too pampered? Not independent enough? Need to spoonfeed me?Not active enough?
Now my behaviour seems so pessimisticso unlike myself! Feeling so fustrated now...Argh...i hate it...
Enough of my self-declared depression!I met up with qian the other day before she flies to Norway in another 10 over days' time! Take care man...I will miss you lots!

Some warm up first...
Her chocolate chocolatey!
And my famous mudpie! It really looks like mud now..
We seriously need a decent photo together now.. with a little fun below!
I shall present Liping's cutesy baby son! I love baby's skin...soft and tender! YUMMY! hahah...and his eyes are very big! When I carried Torston, he was looking at me, checking out who was that big giant carrying him...but I'm still kinda scared though. Cos babies are fragile...
Big eyes with double eyelids and dimples! Aiyo! so cute!
Look at the difference!
Of course I can't stop taking a picture of myself too! wahaha...
So many happenings!!! I'm so lazy to update nowadays man....
Started working at Blu Inc Media one week after my exams..
now kinda regretted cos I never get to rest alot or travel to relax!
Work is still ok, going on fine for me but I'm kinda worried for all the upcoming events as alot of things are still undone.
Anyway, I shall stop talking about work cos work can be tiring and boring at times~
That's when I do not have anything on hand and can slack...
By the way, so late then say "Happy Birthday, Gifford!"
hehehe....glad you love the dinner treat huh...
This time is better a girlfriend to accompany you.
Met up with all my friends for the last few weeks man...
Finally met up with Nikki and Wendy my dearest bitches* hahaha....
Went Wala wala to chill out "for a while" lah..and yeah! We decided to go backpack at Europe at Year 2008!!!! HOHOHO...
Met up with Janice, wendy and mer for KTV as well...didn't know mer watched soccer also leh!
Hahaa...and thanks to Janice man...thanks for lending me the vcd - "It started with a kiss"! So nice! And i really really can't wait for part 2! Ok some pics to see see...and can really see the difference between Nokia and Samsung hp lah...ya hp not good lah...and pretty!
And congrats to Liping!!! A baby son!!!
Ok...tat's for all....very busy liao...tata!
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