Maybe she's born with it~~~
Maybe she's Maybelline~~~
"Roses are red, violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet, and so are you
The roses have wilted, the violets are dead,
The sugar bowl's empty, and so is your head
The roses stink, sorta like sheep
But leave your head down rolling the hill
The roses are molding, the violets are rotten
And I might kick your arse, if I haven't forgotten."
Be more hardworking.
Be more initiative.
Be more analytical.
Be more aggressive.
Be more chic.
LV wallet.
Hermes handbag.
Good skin complexion.
Red Slim digicam
Committment in GOD
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
- Xuehua.
- Jasmine.
- Charlene.
- Zhiqian.
- Marcus.
- Vivien.
- Wenjie.
- Joyce Phua.
- Joyce Lee.
- Val.
- JC.
- pRinC3Ss kaRiN .
- BigB3n.

~My rommie!~
fyi, we had a mini pantry in our office room and a flask as well!
And this is Wendy...a very funny mummy! You rockz!
Of course, I'm interested to go lah! But imagine going with my father, my grand-aunt and auntie can be a chore.
Means that I gotta take care of them constantly.
Means that I will be lonely.
Means that I cannot roam around with freedom.
It's not that I'm not filial but going with elders is not that fun compared to going with your friends right?
And I almost forgotten that I have an auntie who is staying in Japan for over 10 years!
I still remembered I attended her wedding when I was very very young.
A very pretty tall lady...
Apparently, she married a Japanese and moved over to Japan since then.
Had 2 sons now....should be very ka-wa-ii-ne!
Anyway, my father said if we are going, we will be staying at my auntie's place.
Somehow, I got a feeling the trip will not happen. Or maybe they are waiting for me to give them an answer.
Oh man....Japan!!! I really want to go!!!
Ok Ok...maybe if the Melbourne is not going to happen, then I will go with them (even if fun is not included!).
Oh ya right... I only have one decent pic of my New Year Day.
POoor XH gotta stay at home...

Recently, I've finished watching a korean drama series "My Girl" within 3 days, greatly recommended by so many people, even Jack. Nice show! The male leading actor, Lee Dong Wook, looks cute but at certain angles only...and i love his grin!!! OOOoo...he melts my heart! He is so cheeky also!!!! Ahhh!! I'm going mad again! Also, I thought it was supposed to be a very funny comedy throughout the show, who knows i cried more than i laugh leh! Nevertheless, it is a happy ending! Yeah!
You can go to the to view their NGs as well...
I came to realise that all the male actors i like seems to have a common identity. All comes with a clean cut face, tall and pretty...ya pretty like a girl! No wonder my bf too...all my sisters always complimented him to look like a girl with good skin. Humph! But too bad, he is to the plump side..

My Lee Dong Wook!!!
He is also another one whom drove me crazy!
He Jun Xiang!

Which Tarot Card Are You?

You are the Chariot card. The Chariot has the energy to succeed. Their ambition and drive leads them into competition, and they often come out the victor. The fast-paced energy of the chariot is met with the ability to control and lead. The Charioteer's leadership is not authoritarian but rather an attempt to bring their team to victory. The Charioteer can be obedient to those who have proven themselves in a position of leadership. Physical prowess and activity are important to the meaning of this card. Travel is found here as a journey of personal growth. Moving from one point to another in attempt to find a better place may be taken both literally and as a metaphor for the inner self. Image from: Dorothy Simpson Krause.
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Just watched this hilarious movie yesterday damn funny!
Now, I know why everyone is talking about and the various scenes in the show.
And I know why XH and Char loves this phrase! "dumb dumb give me gum gum"
Pls people...go watch it! You will luuurrvveeeeee it!
Ben Stiller is just amazing...I wonder how he actually came up with all these jokes!!!
There's nothing cooler than historical figures such as Roman Gladiators, cowboys and Neanderthals coming back to life! And not to forget the extras - the jade lion...haha!
Been working at FJB is a tremendous experience all these while..I've my ups and downs with my big boss, my colleagues and my life.
Been scolded before, been blurred before, been so kiddish before, been lazy before, been sickly before...
In year 2007, I'm gonna be healthier and happier than ever!I will work hard and climb the corporate ladder in the fashion industry and make a name of my self (in a good way)!
Need to change my blog template to kick a new start and welcome the new year.Simplicity but chic will still be my motto..That's why you can see that my background is white which represent a pure and angelic if I'm that angelic right? I have my devilish self as well but just that I seldom show it out.
Alright..maybe when moi is drunk and will start destroying all the toilet doors! know what i mean ya?!
Christmas and New year is over and this year, I'm older!!! Ahh!Time flies yeah?Older means i should be wiser and richer..."Oh pls let me win a big lottery!"
Which means my face will have more wrinkles and less collagen~*bleab* Don't care!
Spent my last christmas at the infamous KL. Well, I thought I could have shop till i drop at Sungnei Wan..who knows that I bought a pair of jeans and sandals only!
What a disappointment!
It certainly looks like Thailand's MBK (I actually got a MBK plastic bag when i bought the jeans from a shop) but the stuffs are somehow ah-lian-ish to me.
Sorry gals, but that's my perception.
There's lots of little lanes and retail shops selling shoes, clothes and accessories.You can go there for relatively-ok bargains lah.
Somehow, I think that Far East Plaza is much better.And besides, I only got 4hrs to shop! NOT ENUFF TIME LOR!
Anyway, this trip certainly shorten my life by 3years over these 3 days.
Why?We were drinking heavily every night and poor Weiling vomitted twice!! pics!
(pls click the pic to enlarge)
Now, i'm saving money to go to Melbourne! Hoohoo..
I know it's kinda late but i wish everyone good health and be happy! Merry christmas and happy new year!!!I love you all!!!
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