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Maybe she's born with it~~~
Maybe she's Maybelline~~~


"Roses are red, violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet, and so are you
The roses have wilted, the violets are dead,
The sugar bowl's empty, and so is your head
The roses stink, sorta like sheep
But leave your head down rolling the hill
The roses are molding, the violets are rotten
And I might kick your arse, if I haven't forgotten."


Be more hardworking.
Be more initiative.
Be more analytical.
Be more aggressive.
Be more chic.


DS Lite.
Manicure & pedicure.
LV wallet.
Hermes handbag.
Good skin complexion.
Red Slim digicam
Committment in GOD
Taiwan '08.


June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009

My Friends
  • Xuehua.
  • Jasmine.
  • Charlene.
  • Zhiqian.
  • Marcus.
  • Vivien.
  • Wenjie.
  • Joyce Phua.
  • Joyce Lee.
  • Val.
  • JC.
  • pRinC3Ss kaRiN .
  • BigB3n.

  • Wednesday, December 16, 2009
    11:38 PM
    Just had a nice bath just now...sitting down beside my bed with my new lappie-HP student notebook.
    Yeah...i know i am not a student but so what right...
    Quite fun because it is a touch screen mode and you don't have to use a mouse to navigate but he hates it
    Quite irritating because i still haven't mastered the writing mode on the screen! Is there a tutorial or a book for dummies?


    Someone just broke up with someone - I really feel for you babe
    Someone just had a cold war with someone - I really hope this r/ship ends
    Someone just so jealous of someone - I really hope the other someone will piss him off!
    Someone just wanted to kill that someone - I really hope she gets what she deserved one day too
    Someone just had an infactuation with someone - I really hope you will end this
    Someone just had enough of someone always talking about about somebody - I really hope he stops it & get on with his life without dragging us in

    I consoled
    I advised
    I listened
    I laughed
    I yearned
    I had enough.


    My nails are breaking again... poor nails, when will you not ever break again?


    Monday, November 02, 2009
    5:58 PM
    Can't believe what the former Ms Singapore is doing
    Either she is very brave or she is very retarded...
    "Boomz" is funny but i think "Shingz" is even funnier!
    Haha...this video definitely shows how Ris Low really stands out from the rest...for the WRONG reasons!

    I want a REVAMP
    Monday, September 07, 2009
    12:32 AM
    Quite sick of party life nowadays...am i getting old or what?
    No i don'want to get old. I still want to look chio and stylo when i become 30+ and be a yummy hot mama who still goes to party occassionally!

    I want to look for a new job...something different...not too stressful and can gain a lot of exposure... hard to find nowadays lah..

    Hope that my swelling goes down soon... having not to eat solid food is a real misery.
    Imagine i have to go on a liquid diet for a week again.. all because of my teeth.
    And when i recover, i want to eat so many things! Steamboat, kushinbo buffet, ramen, durians, ice cream, Coca-Cola, etc etc etc!!!

    Arghhh....faster recover!

    Problems problems...
    Friday, August 21, 2009
    10:04 PM
    Life is so complicating

    Having lots of issues at home...
    I feel sick when i listen to all of them, every single one of them.
    I feel the stress as well you know?
    I try to give in a lot a lot a lot...but to them it's still not enough.
    Everything is not enough.
    Money, chores, space, etc
    And the problem with them staying at your house...is that so DIFFICULT?
    Can't you just close one eye open one eye?
    And YOU, can't you just shut your mouth and listen to us for once? Why did you become so rude and speak to us as if we offend you all the time?
    And YOU, stop asking i didn't do this didn't do that. I did my part as well! And stop saying that i didn't do anything for this family and acted like i'm like some bastard.
    In fact, i empathise with all of you because you guys being so old enough to think already, you are acting like a small kid at times.

    We are having some problems lately.
    I don't know if we are able to last or not because i feel like giving up at times.
    All the things we have quarrelled will lead back to one thing - Did we make the right choice?
    Marriage, committment, whatever...the fear always instills in me after seeing theirs failed.
    Is it because we are in our comfort zone with each other after so many years that is why the next step must be marriage?
    Must it be marriage? Must we have kids? A marriage means a future?
    I still doubt it and i'm not confident and i feel stressed out...
    what a mess i've got myself into.
    Maybe I should go to a quiet place and chill...all by myself.

    And work..after the incident with my colleague, everything kinda changed.
    I don't feel very happy working there knowing that some people in the team may have supported her.
    I didn't cared much actually but i can feel it.
    And i hate this feeling.
    And lots of projects coming up, so much work and parties going on...
    I feel sick handling marketing events already.
    Just feel like throwing everything down...

    If life is filled with worries, stress and troubles, why bother having a long life?
    I'd rather have a short and sweet life.

    Bad bad head-ache
    Wednesday, July 22, 2009
    4:09 PM
    My head hurts!!!!!!!!!!

    I went to put on my retainers back...after 10 years from wearing my braces.
    Because my front teeth is bulging out a little bit..
    and now my teeth and head hurts like hell!
    Can't get used to the retainers after all.
    I used to wear it when i sleep in the past. I couldn't stand the pain and thus, i remove it a month later.
    And i regretted...
    I should have wore it all these while but it's soooo uncomfortable!

    Argh, tell me the price of wanting to be pretty...


    Monday, June 15, 2009
    7:24 PM
    Ever since i moved the direction of my bed, i've been waking up in the middle of the night very often. I will wake up every 2 hours to check my clock, partially to see if i'm late for work. But it is ridiculous lah, imagine i can wake up and 'miao' my clock at 2 am, 5am, 6am, 7pm and 7.30am.

    Then when i get back to sleep, I start to dream about a lot of things.

    It can be unlinked dreams...just filling up my mind, not letting me to have a good night's sleep!

    It happened when i am at his house too. Well that probably explains why i can always fall asleep when i touch the bed. And I mean literally touch the bed...

    What's wrong with me? Is it the fengshui?? Or just me being paranoid about my own life and work??

    Freaking shit...how i wish i can have a good rest without any dreams or having to wake up! I wonder if there is a sleeping marathon...

    Monday, May 18, 2009
    1:15 PM
    He proposed to me on 9 May 2009 at Bangkok.

    and I am happy. :)



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